Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Outfit 4/26/10

Sorry guys, not much of interest- just a comfy casual outfit. Here's what a wore for extra help with my math teacher and lunch with the ever-sumptuous Victoria Suzanne.
  • Blouse: Anna House
  • Cardigan: Offbrand
  • Hairbow (can't see it :( ): Angelic Pretty
  • Socks: Offbrand
  • Boots: Bodyline
I was like, "Oh, I'll take this picture in front of my closet! My loli will make a cute backdrop!" and didn't realize that all you can see is my huge fluffy bathrobe, a saucepan, and my roommate's jeans. Ultra non-loli! Backdrop fail!

(Also, new layout! Not sure how I feel about it yet, but I think it works nicely for now)


  1. Cute outfit! I love the skirt, I'm crazy for high waisted skirts at the moment.

    The new layout is looking really nice too!

  2. the bodyline boots look amazing!

  3. I want those boots. Badly.



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