Also known as the pinkest post you're likely to ever see here at Her Lumpiness!
This year I was finally able to make it to the Sakura Matsuri lolita meetup at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens! It was so amazing, totally worth the trip and making myself ill with exhaustion- the flowers were all beautifully in bloom and gave life a rosier tint than usual, and it was lovely to see all the girls I hadn't seen in ages, as well as meeting a few new friends! Unfortunately, as mentioned, I did make myself very ill from the past week's school stress on top of a minimal (to put it lightly) sleep schedule, so the latter half of the day was not the most enjoyable experience. However, it included bubble tea, sushi, and my friends taking care of me on the train home, so I suppose there are worse ways to spend evenings ♥
I didn't get many pictures, but here are the few I did manage to snap:
Being goobers on the train: Bonnet mustaches! My ribbon was chafing my chin, so I scootched it up to under my lips.... and then it just went downhill from there.
Some much less goober-y ladies at the picnic:
Bianca- it was so nice to finally meet you!
Andrea's fab IW socks, which all of us were lusting over
Skirts (Nancy's and mine- I kind of had an obsession with detail shots that day...)
My bento! I made these for myself, Savannah, and Tina (though Tina's was sans meatballs). We had macaroni and cheese, chickpea salad, sweet barbecued tofu, green beans, edamame, and Asian turkey meatballs. I also made us onigiri for breakfast/snacking- we went pretty Asian in honor of the festival, haha!
A shot of the cherry blossoms
And now, to what I wore! Jeez, I look so dour in this photo...
- Blouse: IW
- Skirt: Lolita Nouveau
- Bonnet: Handmade
- Tights: Sock Dreams
- Boots, sweater: Offbrand
Savannah and I were photographed for Mighty Harajuku! I was so proud- I've wanted to be since I heard about the project, so I'm so happy that I finally was! Stay genki Japan♥
Ugh, those bonnets... what a wreck! It was 2 AM the night before and I was still cooking when Savannah realized we hadn't even started them yet, so she started doing the cutting and gluing, and as soon as the bento food was done I finished mine up and helped her with hers. We finished everything around 4:15, and it was 5 before I was asleep, then up at 8:30 to start getting ready... that's why, as soon as we got home that night, I promptly went to sleep for 17 hours. I feel so much better! I should get a full week's sleep in one night more often! I've made a vow with myself to never subject myself to less than 6 hours of sleep again, which with finals breathing down my neck is probably wishful thinking...
It's officially spring! What are you doing to celebrate it?
Ooh, we have a "location" option on blogger now! Nifty! Wonder what it does...
Ooh, we have a "location" option on blogger now! Nifty! Wonder what it does...