Why is everything in America so sexy? Think of our biggest stars - Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Beyonce. Americans seem to have no appreciation of cute things! I think this is one of the reasons lolita is regarded with such confusion by my countrymen - why would anyone bother to be cute? It's so much easier to be sexy, and you get more attention. Who wouldn't want that?
Fun fact, America: Not everybody. We like to mock our Asian brethren for things like Hello Kitty, Pokemon, and other parts of the "kawaii culture" that seems to be oozing from the Land of the Rising Sun, but in other countries, cute is cool. Cute is sexy. Cute is, well, cute!
Working to unite the world with this phenomenon &build a bridge between Asia & us lesser beings is (Cute) Asian Poses. Asian Poses posts pictures, rundowns, &case studies of cute Asians and their cute Poses. Mostly focusing on celebrity photoshoots and paparazzi photos, Asian Poses also hosts Challenges to its viewers, challenging them to try the cute poses on the site themselves & send them in to the webmaster. Unsurprisingly, I love this idea, as the poses of Asian celebrities have always been a topic of great interest to me - they're just so different than the ones I see in my own country! I love it!
I know lolitas are often uncomfortable in front of the camera, and newcomers to website like Daily_Lolita often have post after post of the same pose - arms at sides. Feet straight or, occassionally, pidgeon-toed. Awkward smile. Tres boring! And I don't mean as a viewer - as someone who always tries to have fun with her pictures, I feel bad for these girls who are so uninterested in this side of lolita - the "Look at me! Look how cute I am!" It's just so much fun, goofing off in front of the camera. Maybe, like I said, they're just uninterested, but maybe they just don't know what to do & fall back on this standard. It must not be very interesting for them - or for the other people looking! Not that they look bad, &I'm going to appreciate a good outfit no matter what, but I love looking at photos of people having fun - its like, they're having so much fun I can feel it through the pictures.
This is why I'm telling you about AsianPoses.com, if you haven't already caught the bug- they're so cute you won't be able to resist trying out a few of your own!
My favorites for lolita:
- Okay!
- Heart-shape (a classic!)
- Daydreaming
- Surprised
- Giant Heart
- Praying (best for classic or gothic, I'd say)
- Pleading
- Shush
And now, I leave you with some of my own examples:
As you can tell, these were taken with my NEW WEBCAM!! and no shoopage or makeup. Au natural!